African Diaspora

All Things Change With Time; Including The Status Of Black People

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Black Consciousness, And Survival

There are many characteristics that Black people share; i.e., their status in community life, their status in political and economic structures, their struggles against oppression and exploitation, and their commitment to fulfilling their hopes and dreams. Where ever Black people live in the world they have fought and survived many of the same battles.

The African Diaspora consists of nearly a billion Black people whose ancestors were kidnapped, enslaved, and transported to European colonies that denied their humanity, their right to live free and prosper; and their right to be fruitful, multiply and exercise dominion over their individual lives.

One of the most devastating effects of the Atlantic Slave Trade was the rise of white supremacy, which implemented a systematic program to erase and replace the history of Africans and African descendants.

The twofold assault of African life sought to exclude Africans from their historical past, and disenfranchise them from any possibility of a future.  

It was under these conditions and in this context that the original people of the earth; people who have made amazing contributions to the world as we know it, held on to life as they built the modern world of today, which Europeans and no one else can deny.

The story of Black people is the story of Black people! It is a story that is known to all Black people. Legally, socially, educationally, politically, and economically locked out of participating in the free evolution of humanity and life in the developing world, Black people built the modern world while creating their own path forward.  

Stripped of their names, families, villages, culture, religion, and language Europeans provided the definition of Black life. To survive, black people adhered to European structures on the surface but opposed them in their hearts and souls. 

For example, early in the American experience, the slavers tried to instill in their black slaves that they were cursed, inferior, and destined to serve the more advanced white race. White slavers quoted Bible verses as part of the orientation that fostered a slave culture of submission and subservience: 

“Slaves, obey your earthly masters with respect and fear, and with sincerity of heart, just as you would obey Christ.”

Contrary to the European manifesto, Black slaves obeyed, submitted, and appeased the White slavers by day. But in the darkness of night, they held their secret meetings wherein they affirmed their humanity and spirituality. 

It was within their space of spiritual consciousness that Black people in the Americas created their unique worldview, which affirmed their loyalty and reverence for the God of their ancestors.

Lawrence W. Levine writes, “the vast majority of spirituals identify the singers as, “de people dat is born of God,” “We are the people of God,” “we are de people of de Lord,” “I really do believe I’m a child of God,” “I am a child ob God, aid my soul sot free,” “I’m born of God, I know I am.” “Nor is there ever any doubt that, To the promise land I’m bound to go,” I walk de heavenly road,” Heav’n shall-a be my home,” I gwine to meet my Saviour,” “I seek my Lord and I find Him,” I’ll hear the trumpet sound / In the morning.”

Upon leaving the shores of Africa, Black people never lost their identity. Where ever they found themselves in the world; their religious consciousness kept them grounded in who they are, where they come from, and where they are going. 

Slavery could not subjugate their souls; thus, inner awareness and inner consciousness were the drivers of Black people’s ability to survive. Their day-to-day life was built on their need to survive one hour, one day, one week, one year at a time.  To Black people only, can we attribute the survival of the Black people who make up the African Diaspora; to their inner consciousness, and to them alone.

Greatness And Black Empowerment

It is really amazing; it is supernatural, and it is empowering when Black people tap into the reality of their history. Black life goes back to the very first civilizations known upon the earth. Before the immigration and migrations of Arabs, Greeks, and Europeans into Africa; Africa was the home of dynasties, communities, families, and domestic tranquility. 

According to Dr. Chancellor Williams, white people living in neighboring lands regarded Black people as a superior race, consisting of scientists, scholars, organized religions with organized priesthoods, mathematicians, scribes, architects, engineers, standing armies and generals, stone and brick masons, carpenters, artists, sculptors, cloth makers, slaves, farmers, teachers, gold and silversmiths, and blacksmiths.  

The first civilizations known to modern-day human beings were developed in Africa. It was widely known that African was the home of an advanced race of people; i.e., Black people who lived in an advanced society. 

Herald Melvin & the Blue Notes wrote the song, “Wake up Everybody.” The lyrics bare mentioning:

  • “Wake up everybody no more sleeping in bed, no more backward thinking, time for thinking ahead. The word has changed so very much from what it used to be, there’s so much hatred, war and poverty.”

Black people must call themselves from the white man’s induced slumber of today, and awake to the greatness of their yesterday, today and tomorrow.

The glory of their past civilizations resides in their souls; it is present in their DNA. And, it has contributed to the development of the modern world.  Where ever black people set down roots in the modern world, the legacy of great and advanced civilizations was with them. 

Their skill and craftsmanship are present in the way cities and states are laid out, the design of buildings, farming, food production, and transportation.

With the recent rise of white supremacy, the history and modern-day contributions of Black people to the world we live in are whitewashed. White supremacy is relentless in devaluing, vilifying, and demonizing black people. 

Yet, European domination cannot veil; it cannot conceal the origin of civilization and modern-day world culture. Religious beliefs and structures, arts and crafts, music and dance, values, morals are all contributions to humanity. 

The civilized world we live in owes its origin to the remote past civilizations of Africa, i.e., “The Land Of The Blacks.”

Structural Change

Black people are being exploited, oppressed, and taken for granted all over the world while Europeans pour resources into whitewashing all their amazing gifts to the civilized world. 

Whitewashing the African presence in world history aims to foster powerlessness among the descendants of Africa and Africa itself. But, Black people have something called knowledge of the heart, which is consciously connected to their DNA.

The DNA is a direct connection to their ancestral past, which cannot be erased, distorted, and diminished by anything in the material world we live in. Black people are beautiful, and the seeds they planted will certainly germinate and blossom into a better world for all people.

Black people have a spiritual consciousness that has sustained their lives as they have traveled through the rough waters of the modern world. They looked at their reflection in the water and saw they were made in the image of their Creator. 

They understand their responsibility to fill and subdue the earth, to exercise dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that moves on the earth.”

Africans were far from being perfect people, and they made mistakes. They played a part in the Atlantic Slave Trade, but they had no idea of the effects of participating in such an evil plot. The evil that was unleashed on Africans during the days of European enslavement was loaded with lessons that transcended the material plane.

Meanwhile, Black people are entering a new phase of human history, wherein Europeans have been ushered into civilization and spiritual awareness. 

What the world will experience in the manifestation of divine principles; e.g., cause and effect.

As Black people take their rightful place in the world, they will participate in decisions that give shape to the future of humanity.

For example, the world has been organized by multinational corporations and governments acting in union with one another. Together they hold the strings of most social, educational, political, and economic structures. 

At the head of these multinational corporations and governments are mostly Europeans who have concentrated wealth and power among a closed circle, of a small minority.

In maintaining their wealth and power multinational corporations and governments cloak exploitation in racism.  Racism facilitates the marginalization of Black people; it manifests in norms that perpetuate Black unemployment, low wages, inferior housing, inferior educational resources, biased policing, and other things. 

Black people everywhere in the African Diaspora need to penetrate these organizations and advocate for inclusion. The ability to disrupt the flow of goods and services can be used as a powerful bargaining tool. 

Black people need to vote, seek government offices, and participate in the way tax dollars are spent. They need to spend money with Black-owned businesses, parents need to actively participate and support public education; likewise, oversight and accountability in policing will pave the way for inclusion and empowerment.

Black people must be board members of multinational corporations and actively participate in politics where ever they live. As Black people become more involved in commerce and government, the effect will be reflected in social economics, politics, education, community development, and human rights throughout the U.S, Asia, Western Europe, Canada, South America, The Caribbean, i.e., The African Diaspora.


In 1962, sixty percent of the top multinational corporations were based in the U.S. (many are among the Global Fortune 500), but by 1999, that number had dropped to 36 percent. So that, the U.S still has the largest number of multinational corporations, but Japan and Western Europe have developed to the point of being home to MNCs.

Multinational Corporations thrive in developed countries, places where advanced technology and sophisticated management techniques can thrive. Therefore, specialized talent, training, and supporting institutions such as colleges and universities that help produce educated employees exist alongside multinational corporations.

The U.S, Western Europe, and Japan all have roads, bridges, ports, buildings, and other aspects of infrastructure able to support transportation and the ability to move materials and goods from place to place.

The function and structure of MNCs can benefit the Black Diaspora, Black communities, and Black families. Blacks can extrapolate and learn from proven and tested structures working within multinational corporations, and create and manage their own multinational corporations.

Jobs can be created, which will infuse Black families and communities with resources that allow them to own, share and profit from their cultural genesis. Black people can control and profit from their music, films, athletics, intellectual ability, and culinary skills. They can develop their real-estate, and layout and build their own housing projects and neighborhoods.

The African Diaspora must reshape the ideological norms of law enforcement, courts, and administrative agencies. These agencies need only to be taught and trained to value Black lives and be held accountable for their policies and conduct.  Our communities need to become the model of civil, political, economic, and social stability; thus ensuring the progressive growth of Black lives.

Change, Takes The Stage

One of the most powerful words in today’s world is “science.” But this scientific reign is the result of billions of dollars and control of educational institutions that are managed by white supremacy. Some believe that white people are an advanced race, and some believe they are devils endowed with supernatural power. Neither is true! 

The truth is that there is only the human race, which was created in the image and likeness of God. Black people are human beings who created most of the sciences that have evolved over the course of time. 

Science holds many of the keys that can facilitate the upward mobility of Black people, families and communities. Black people can incorporate proven and time-tested strategies into creating an atmosphere and culture of interpersonal relationships governed by passion, compassion, empathy, love, trust, morals, ethics, and values.

And as we as Black people employ discipline and commitment to a way of life that is tested we can create and develop constituencies among themselves. By constituency, I appeal to the idea of a body of people who proffer ideas and leadership models for the Black community to approve and support,  or disapprove and reject.  The leadership models can foster local, national, and international ties with the African Diaspora, ensuring that every Black person is a constituent.

The Black Diaspora can center its development around farming and manufacturing. A franchise is a business opportunity that allows the franchisee to start a business by legally using someone else’s expertise, ideas, and processes. If we merge Black people and communities into a constituency and extrapolate elements from the franchise model we can consolidate and share our talents, gifts, ideas, creations, and labor to build wealth and power for Black people. 

Note: People in the U.S are moving in the right direction.  In 2010, the buying power of Blacks was $961 billion, and in 2018, it was $1.3 trillion. The buying power of Blacks increased 114 percent. This can be attributed to the rise of black-owned businesses, increased educational attainment, and booming population growth.

This is good news, as it relates to progress and economic awareness of Black people in the U.S.  I say this because, in 1987, Black businesses in Los Angeles generated less revenue and hired fewer people than Hispanics and Koreans. Black people owned about the same number of businesses as Hispanics, but Hispanic’s sales receipts were double that of Blacks. And Korean businesses, less than one-third of black businesses, bought in more money than black businesses.

The goal of the African Diaspora need not focus on creating a throng of millionaires, but to provide and ensure shelter, food, water, transpiration, education, and other resources needed for Black people to live healthy and prosperous lives.

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