This is the touching story of a young boy who “returns home” by car with his mother to Savannah, Georgia from Detroit. Imani is introduced, through story telling by his mother, to a part of his race and familial history he has never known.
“Granny’s Mama was a real slave, Mama? I never knew we had slaves in our family,” is Imani’s response to a bit of family history told by his mother for the first time. When his mother tells him the tale of the flying Africans, a fantastic tale of rebellion which has been passed past, but to an extended family.
This tale, based on an actual myth found in the Georgia Sea Islands, works well to initiate Imani into the history of his roots.
JANICE LIDDELL, Ph.D., is associate professor and chairperson of the English Department at Clark-Atlanta University. She resides in Atlanta with her two sons and partner.
LINDA NICKENS, the illustrator, resides in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and has illustrated Senefer: A Young Genius in Old Egypt (AWP 1992).
Children’s Books
Overview Imani and the Flying Africans, by Janice LiddelIÂ
Join Imani on a heartfelt journey in ‘Imani and the Flying Africans’ by Janice Liddell. Traveling from Detroit to Savannah, Imani discovers his family’s history through his mother’s captivating storytelling. Unveiling a tale rooted in the Georgia Sea Islands’ myth, this touching children’s book, beautifully illustrated by Linda Nickens, delves into cultural exploration and the power of family connections. A must-read for young minds seeking both adventure and understanding of their heritage
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