
Understanding Diabetes

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Diabetes Is Real

Diabetes is a disease of the pancreas; it occurs when the melanin centers of the pancreas are harmed or damaged. The condition is present when the body has sugar available but fails to recognize it. 

This causes excess sugar to accumulate, which the body gets rid of by excess urination. Be aware that excess urination causes thirst, dehydration, weight loss, loss of appetite, and overworked kidney and pancreas. 

As we try and understand the cause of Diabetes, we know that overeating and refined carbohydrates (bleached white flour, white rice, white grits, cooked white potatoes, and refined white sugar) top the list of causes.  

In addition, eating excessive amounts of animal flesh and cooked animal fats (fats and proteins change to sugar in the body) can cause diabetes. Bleached white flour, white rice, and cooked white potatoes turn into sugar quickly, weaken the pancreas and kidneys and cause diabetes. 

Diabetes is a progressive disease, it can get progressively worse, resulting in blindness, painful neuropathy, and frequent infections. More than 150 legs are amputated every day in this country and another 70 diabetics start on dialysis for the first time every day.

Here in the United States, diabetes causes about 50,000 cases of kidney failure annually and can lead to sexual impotence in men, strokes, and heart attacks, not to mention 75,000 deaths every year. Diabetes is the fourth leading cause of death among African Americans.

Type I Diabetes

Diabetes begins because either your pancreas gland is not making enough insulin (the hormone that keeps your blood sugar in check) or because your body becomes resistant to inulin’s effects. 

There are two types of diabetes, Type I and Type II. Type I, sometimes referred to as Juvenile Diabetes represents 5 percent of all diagnosed diabetes cases. Type I Diabetes is associated with high sugar levels and a lack of insulin. Without insulin, blood sugar rises to unsafe levels. 

Treatment of Type I diabetes is with an injection of insulin, to make up for lack of production. The exact cause of Type I diabetes is unknown, but there are links to genetic predisposition combined with exposure to environmental triggers such as viral infection and cow’s milk.

Type I diabetes starts suddenly, generally in childhood or adolescence. The most common symptoms include excessive thirst, constant hunger, excessive urination, unexplained weight loss, labored breathing, visual changes drowsiness, fatigue, or exhaustion. These symptoms may occur suddenly and generally before the age of 30.

Type II Diabetes

Type II Diabetes is also known as Adult Onset Diabetes and accounts for 90 to 95 percent of the cases. In Type II Diabetes, the pancreas can make insulin, but it does not work well. Insulin is a hormone central to regulating carbohydrates (sugar, starch, fiber) and fat metabolism in the body. In summary, insulin removes excess glucose from the blood, which otherwise would be toxic.

It was discovered that the accumulation of fat inside the cell of your muscles and liver interferes with the action of insulin. Insulin is identified as the key that unlocks the doors to our cells; saturated fat is what appears to gum up the locks. This gummed-up lock is called insulin resistance.

The complication begins when the glucose is not allowed into the muscles, which is the primary consumer of such fuel, sugar tends to rise to damaging levels in your blood.

The fat inside these cells can come from the fat that you eat or the fat that you carry on your body (i.e., body fat). As these fats build up inside your muscle cells, they can create toxic breakdown products and free radicals that block the insulin-signaling process.

Therefore, it is important to be aware that all processed sugars (fructose, honey, maple syrup, sucrose, etc) can be damaging to the pancreases, liver, and health. High amounts of fructose in hybrid fruits are stressful and damaging to the pancreas and can lead to diabetes. Fructose is a sugar that does not require insulin, which leads some diabetes to believe it is ok to consume. However, it damages the liver. 

Reversing Diabetes

The good news is that most cases of diabetes are reversible. People with diabetes must manage their blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and identify ways to reduce their risk. It is established that less than one-third of diabetics get adequate exercise.

Lifestyle conditions like being overweight, insufficient exercise, emotional stress, having a poor diet, and smoking are factors that need to be seriously scrutinized. 

Prevention and reversal of Diabetes must be facilitated by lifestyle changes, which include eating habits, and exercise. A simple daily walk two or more hours each week can lower the death rate by 39 percent. 

Eating significant quantities of legumes (e.g., beans, split peas, chickpeas, and lentils) favor less weight and lower blood pressure. 

Plant-based diets can lead to significant drops in LDL cholesterol (the bad fat), which reduces the risk of diabetes, heart disease. In other words, your goal should be to embrace a whole food plant-based diet. 

These supplements help convert glucose to useable energy:

Vitamin A, C, B-Complex, B6, D, Niacin, Chromium, Potassium, Manganese, Vanadyl Sulfate, Lipoic Acid.


Alfalfa, Bilberry (blueberry leaves), Bitter Melon, Cayenne, Cedar Berries, Centaurea, Comfrey, Dandelion Root, Goldenseal, Gymnema Sylvestre, Mullein, Periwinkle, Raspberry, Sinta.

To learn more about diabetes and your health pick up a copy of the following books: 

Note: Shifting Your Paradigm, For Optimum Health and Longevity; by, U-Shaka Craig, Ph.D., and, African Holistic Health; by, Llaila O. Afrika 

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